Putting It All Into Practice

On The Go!

I recently had a wonderful time boosting my own vision for what lies ahead. I hope that like me, you find that the more you do work with themed vision boards that the more powerful they become for you. I’m learning the lesson of simplicity and clarity.  I trust that you are learning this too.  I find that I am increasingly more adept at cutting to the chase.

I’m off to travel for the next week, but I’ll be writing along the way.   Have a great week! Drop a few comments about the work you’re doing.

Copyright 2010 Destiny Rising, LLC

Plugging in

Feeling Unplugged?

Have you ever felt disconnected or unplugged from your direction or energy? It happens to all of us from time to time.  When it happens, it can shake your confidence and make you wonder if you’ve lost your vision.

Regardless of where you are on your journey,  pausing to plug into familiar things that  energize and make you feel whole can be a great way to  plug bag into your direction and vision.

So it was for me last weekend. I’d had a particularly demanding month,with projects that required most of my waking hours. I began to feel distanced from my entrepreneurial energy vision, goals and plans. All of my waking energies were required to satisfy my employer.  Having taken my eye off of my future for just two weeks, I began to feel that I’d slipped into an abyss and had a growing fear that my passion for my budding business is waning, and that I’d lost my passion for my future.

I’m pretty good at that doubt stuff. Luckily, I gave myself the gift of  a weekend quiet all to myself. Here’s what I did, and I hope that you can find a few ideas for plugging back in when you feel a bit disconnected:

On Friday night, I went to the local video store.  Rather than renting new releases, I found two movie classics that are among my favorites. These movies take me back to earlier phases in my life. The first is Baby Boom with Diane Keaton.  Her character is strong and quirky, and offers a lesson about adversity, love and triumph. This movie started to recharge my batteries. Next, it was time for a late night viewing of Bridet Jones’ Diary. I simply love the story and the rhythm of success and failure and love lost, love found quality of the movie. These movies kept me up later than usual, but I was relaxed, rejuvenated and emotionally renewed.  My movie friends and their human frailities and successes made me feel whole again.

The next night, I went out to dinner with a professional colleague of twenty years ago. She has been a friend and mentor for two decades. She knows my journey and appreciates the chapters of my life.

Finally, on Sunday evening, I met up with a former work colleague who reported to me in a job seven years ago. Spending time with him reminded me of the mentor I can be to others.

The memories and the company I found in that 48-hour period reconnected me with what I believe to be the best parts of me. I am once again on the track, with future plans in order.

I hope that you find something of value in my method of plugging back in. I welcome your comments and stories.

Make it a great week!

Copyright 2010,  Destiny Rising, LLC

Hang On Loosely

Hang On Loosely

Hang On Loosely

You know that moment? You’re not certain if it’s coincidence, providence or manifestation. All three words  can be used to describe those moments when something you’ve been thinking about or hoping for comes to pass, or when someone shows up, about whom you’ve just been thinking.

I’ve come to simply accept these moments as part of the process of becoming. When I try to have coincidences, they rarely happen. It’s when I’m “living in the moment” that they occur one after the other.

Just last week, I was in Kansas City. I was working on a work project but in the back of my mind, I know that I am currently working out some life choice elements.

Here’s what happened: I was at Panera enjoying a quick lunch when someone connected with and central to my secondary theme walked into view and right past me.  I’ve encountered him not once but both times I’ve been in Kansas City in the past three months – without deliberately intending to. This encounter was another in a series of specific people showing up in my life to forward a plot without my conscious intention. But they show up for a reason. Such coincidences are a part of things beginning to move and shape my future.

The coincidence players don’t usually know that they’re a part of some decision process. In this instance, the gentleman didn’t see me. He simply passed through the restaurant without noticing me. However his appearance was symbolic. He was part of a thought pattern, there to advance whatever it is that I’m manifesting right now. There was a message there for me. I’ll figure it out in time.

In those moments when life makes the connections and forward the action, I take notice, but don’t register the relevance right then and there. It just feels oddly “right” that the encounter is taking place . It’s only afterward that I put 2 and 2 together. When I was younger, I would analyze such moments over and over and over to create a story out of them. Now, I just accept the moments and realize that they are part of the plot.

The same thing happens in your Vision Board work. Let’s assume that you’ve got a picture of what and who you want in your life. I offer a simple exercise this week. Spend 5 minutes with your board or simply sitting in a quiet place focused on your picture of your future. Choose 3 things that you want to have begin to vibrate more strongly for you. Write them down, if you’d like or just commit them to memory. Then, let go of that concentration and intention for a few days. You’ve made the ask. Hold onto the next few days lightly. Don’t have major expectations.

About a week letter, return to your vision board, and soak in all of its elements. Think back over your week to discover if some vibrations and messages related to your vision may have started to present themselves to you. Negative as well as positive occurrences may have messages. If this works the first time, great. If not, try it over again. Sometimes it takes practice to learn how to ask and receive. At the very least, learning to hang on loosely is a lovely skill to develop.

Let me know about any divine coincidence experiences you have had!

Be well.

Copyright 2010 Destiny Rising, LLC