Let The Music Set You Free!

Woman Sampling Compact Disk

Choose Your Soundtrack For Inspiration!

I’m a music lover. I believe that everyone’s life experience is richer when there’s a soundtrack to accompany it. On Monday of this week, I attended the “One Thing” book tour for New York Times Best-selling Author, Gary Keller. Gary brought a two-time Grammy Award nominated singer-songwriter on the tour with him. Her name is Pam Rose. I had the chance to hear her perform three numbers at the  Today, my recommendation for setting yourself free to achieve is to listen to inspiring music that will make you spring out of your chair and move in the direction of your dreams.

Here’s a link to “My Life”: (Click Here). Pam is one of the song’s writers. I’m so glad that I got to hear her perform in a small setting.

After you listen to the song once or twice, you won’t want to sit in your chair and let life pass you by for a minute longer. It’s time to happen to your life rather than letting life happen to you.

I hope that you enjoy the listen and consider using it as a theme song for taking your life to the next level. You deserve an amazing life.

Make it a great week! As always, I welcome your comments.~ Tess

Author,  Building A Powerful Vision Board: http://www.buildingapowerfulvisionboard.com

Copyright 2013

Destiny Rising, LLC

Getting to GO!

Ready For The Challenge

Ready For The Challenge

Ready, Set…  Ready, Set…… Ready, Set….

If getting to GO! is a problem in your life, you have plenty of company. If you perpetually remain on the starting block, you go nowhere. You are safe from failure if you never begin. However, you are safe from success, as well.

There are many reasons why people do not get to GO!.  Today, let’s look at 4 key causes of hesitation:

Lack of confidence, lack of certainty,  lack of a plan and fear of abandonment often top the list.

  • Lack of confidence: Do I have the intellect, the ability and the personality to succeed?
  • Lack of certainty: Is this my best option? Is this what I really want? Where will this choice lead me? Should I keep researching other choices? Can I trust this company? Can I trust myself?
  • Lack of a plan: I do not know who to approach with my service or product. I don’t know where I’ll find a job once I make the move. I cannot lease an apartment without a job. I have enough money to survive for three months, and then my finances screech to a halt. I don’t know enough about this industry. I’ve never been a business owner before.  I need to know more before commit. I’m just a big ball of confusion.
  • Fear of abandonment: Will my family support my choices? Will my friends help me stay optimistic and provide their support and encouragement while I build my business? If I choose to leave a dysfunctional relationship, will friends and family take sides on the issue, leaving me lonely and feeling like the villain?

If you are uptight or breathless after reading the list above,  Clarity may be the tonic you seek.  I refer to Building A Powerful sense of Clarity as the foundation for achieving your goals and what you want in life: Clarity is energizing. It is refreshing to clear away doubt about the direction you are headed, as well as what you do and do not want in your life.

Rather than talking  yourself off of the starting block, steel yourself against doubt. Reaffirm your belief in yourself and your reasons for to taking the  leap of faith to pursue your passion or give yourself permission to start over.  Use the 9 Key Points listed below to regain your clarity about key decisions in your life. Then GO!

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” ~ Helen Keller

My Path/Decision:

  1. Skills and Traits I possess that will make me successful in my choice:
  2. Key Reasons Why I am Choosing This Decision/Path:
  3. How choosing this path will change my life:
  4. Experiences in my personal or professional life that make me uniquely qualified to succeed in this area:
  5. Skills and Traits I’d like to develop in order to be more successful in this area:
  6. The first skill I will develop:
  7. People whose advice I’ll seek on my journey:
  8. People whose advice I’ll ignore on my journey:
  9. What success will look like for me:

Make it a great week. As always,  welcome your comment!

~ Tess

Copyright 2013

Destiny Rising, LLC

A Cure For Bright, Shiny Object Syndrome



This is the time of year when bright, shiny things can steal your focus. Bright, shiny things include: Sunshine, the mercury in the thermometer rising above 40 degrees, end of season sales, daylight savings, your kids’ spring break and much, much, more.

My cure for Bright, Shiny Object Syndrome is The “DND Retreat”. DND stands for Do Not Disturb. I host my retreat right in my house (or maybe at the nearest Barnes & Noble). I let the people who are usually welcome to interrupt my productivity know that I am attending a retreat.

The DND Retreat concept is simple. Choose a topic of focus for the day and get away for 6 hours. That’s right, just 6 hours (plus drive time, if you’re going to step away from the house). The reason for 6 hours is that you can choose 8-2, 9-3 or 10-4. You can attend to  family requirements, get a haircut, or go to the market either before or after your retreat.

My most recent DND Retreat was dedicated to marketing my book, “Building A Powerful Visions Board”.  My activities included some themed readings, answering some key questions about my business and building my plan.

Whatever the focus of your retreat, make a list of questions to ask yourself. Select and answer questions as if you’ve paid $279 for the retreat. Concentrate during your 6 hours as if you’ve invested a meaningful sum of money for this opportunity to concentrate and move ahead in your  plan for the year, your writing, your online course in stock trading or your ability to create videos.

At the end of your 6-hour retreat, book the next one. If possible, make the next retreat within 3 weeks of the first. Decide the topic of the next retreat before you return to family, work and home . Once your DND Retreat is over, so is the solace. You will, however have the advantage of results from your first retreat and another date to forward your destiny.

As an added bonus, plan to share the results of your DND retreat with someone – an accountability partner. You’ll be proud of your progress as you report on the day’s events.

My next DND retreat day is just around the corner. I am looking forward to the seclusion and the creativity that go hand in hand.

Make it a great week, and as always, I welcome your comments!

~ Tess

Copyright 2013

Destiny Rising, LLC

Step Away and Dive In

Take A Little Trip

Take A Little Trip

The title of the post sounds like a pair of contrasting statements. Contrast is the key and the intent of the statement!

How do you step away and dive in? Take yourself AWAY for a day. If you want to make progress in a particular area, separate yourself from your familiar world – lock yourself away and spend a solid day, dawn to dusk, writing out a plan or getting a start on what needs to be done in order for you to succeed. It’s a great investment in yourself!

Take the early train to into the city or Travel to a small town far enough away that  you won’t know the people you encounter. I have found that a day spent at a coffee shop, a community or university library or a large hotel lobby offer anonymity and privacy with a low price tag. Of course, an overnight at a luxury hotel with a great rate on Living Social or Groupon can be a delicious choice.

As always, I welcome your thoughts on the topic and make it a great week!

~ Tess

Destiny Rising, LLC

Copyright 2013


332 Happy New Days!

Happy 2013!!!

Happy 2013!!!

Happy 332 Days of 2013! Given the fact that the average case of the flu is lasting 18 days this season, I am right on time in sending my New Year’s greeting.

I have taken a few weeks off from blogging for holiday travel, attention to the flu season and 2013 firsts (first workshops, first Meetup) and business planning for the year (Destiny Rising and Apriori Beauty Team Building strategy).  Today is the day that I return to the topic of “Building A Powerful…2013”. As I write, I am sitting in a pub that I used to frequent after acting classes when I lived on Chicago’s North Side in the late 80’s.


It’s time to find your voice for 2013!  Something to think about when you envision what Building A Powerful 2013 will look like for you is the face that you are breathing the very same air that your heroes and mentors are breathing. You are likely just a few steps removed from leading the life you’d like to live.

I would like to introduce a method of visualizing that will help strengthen your resolve to build the life you want to live.

1: Reflect and Write: Spend about 15 minutes limitless thinking about and what you want to change, do and have in life (or in 2013). Using a blank piece of paper at least 8.5 x 11, write those things down.

2:  Elaborate (The 3rd Degree): Interview yourself about your list. If someone handed your list to you, you would probably be asked to elaborate on his or her ideas. As you take on the interviewer’s perspective, you might ask, “Who will benefit? Why do you want to do that? What will it mean to have that in your life?”

3: Declare Your Intention (Campaign Promises): Announce what you intend to accomplish or attract into your reality. You have done the visioning work- you’ve created an elaborate word picture in the previous two steps.  Now, you can claim it.  Turn your list into a paragraph that announces your intention. Once you have done this, you’re ready to put some incremental goals in place. Post this intention. Keep it nearby. Consider want to making a vision board (www.buildingapowerfulvisionboard.com) or typing up a clean copy of your statement, framing it or using it as the background on your computer or your phone.

4: List some specific goals for the journey to your intended outcome. For example, if your goal is to add $75,000 to your retirement by 2016, now would be a good time to describe the amount you intend to add by 2014, 2015 and 2015. Plan the work and work the plan.

5: Map your journey: Describe how you will get there. List the types of actions and activities you’ll  GET to do (not HAVE to do. Have to do sounds like work. Get to do means learning and expanding) to reach your intended outcome at each phase of your journey.

6:  Hitch up the wagon… we’re heading out! Decide how the first leg of your journey is going to play out. What are the few first steps that you will take and celebrate? Select some steps you can complete this week, and then get out there!

Best of luck with your plan. As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week.

A Guide to Staying Positive and Hopeful – A MUST READ!!!

Let The Sun Shine!

Let The Sun Shine!

Some information that I encounter is simply outstanding. Today, I was looking for some inspiration for helping others maintain or recapture a sense of optimism and “positivity” following the period of challenge, chaos and negativity that has been flooding the airwaves, Facebook and such. I’ve been waiting for a message and method of reclaiming hope and possibility that is useful and that I could share with readers. I think I’ve found it in a post on the website Advanced Life Skills. I hope that you enjoy the link to the following article, “Stay Positive Even When You’re Surrounded by Bad News”.

I couldn’t have said it better myself.


As always, I welcome your comments and make it a great week 🙂

~ Tess

Copyright 2012,

Destiny Rising, LLC

Lifting Aching Hearts… Finding The Helpers

Aching Heart

Aching Heart

Renata Bower, whose book “Frieda B. Herself” , is a new children’s classic, posted a quote by Fred Rogers on her Facebook Page. Renata only posts really impactful photos, quotes and stories. I find the quote to be gentle, hopeful and filled with promise at a time when we are saddened by the loss of 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

I  read that this quote has “gone viral”. I’ve only seen it one time and I now share it with you. Fred Rogers’ quote is an apt description of how Hope reasserts itself into our lives following a disaster. This quote is directly from Fred Rogers Company:

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.

In the intro to  “The Mister Rogers Parenting Book”, he wrote, “.. if we can bring our children understanding, comfort, and hopefulness when they need this kind of support, then they are more likely to grow into adults who can find these resources within themselves later on.”

May you find ways to be a helper as you find and bring  HOPEfulness to your life and the lives of others.

As always, I welcome your comments and feedback.

I wish you peace today…


Copyright 2012

Destiny Rising, LLC

Holiday Success Tools: Giving Thanks and Preparing For What’s Next

Make This Holiday Season Special

It is very easy, as the Holiday Season gets underway, to get pulled into the tide of wanting and waiting. We focus on the want list: a new dryer, new boots, a Bullet blender or an I-Pad and we write-off the month of December to holiday preparations, kids’ school programs and year-end parties.

If I may, I’d like to make a few suggestions that may help you stay productive, balanced and in a place of appreciation for the next 40 days (today through January 1, 2013).

1. Build an Appreciation Board: Keep a running list posted of things for which you can give thanks this year. Add to it every day. Invite your family and friends to add to the list. This is intended to help you keep your focus on appreciation and gratitude rather than “gratitude” – the next shiny object  to buy. Start today, and keep the list going until New Year’s Eve*. It will impact your goals for the New Year. If you still have kids at home, this could be the start of a new family tradition. On New Year’s Eve, celebrate your blessings with a chili supper, a cup of apple cider or a sparkling beverage.

*As a bonus idea, begin by decorating a blank board so that it looks inviting, and take photos of the completed board so that you have a record of what is great in your life.

2. Keep a “Things I Want To Do and Ways 2013 Can Be Different” Journal for the month of December.  Why wait until New Year’s Eve to compile your list of resolutions for the coming year? Proper and Prosperous Planning takes time, and you’ll be well prepared to head into the New Year. Where can you find 5 to 10 minutes every day to slip in some “all about me” time? Here’s the idea… Sneak away from the kitchen after doing the dinner dishes, step away from watching TV,  or arrive at your coffee or lunch get-together ten minutes early so that you have a few minutes alone. Pull our your journal, and begin a new page of ideas about how 2013 can be a year of transition and transformation. This journal is yours and yours alone. Be honest and be bold in what you write.

The time you spend with your journal is not designed for hard-core planning. That comes next. Your job is to stay focused on possibilities.  On January 1st, I’ll be publishing a blog post with links to some prosperity planning tools that you can use to make 2013 a year of progress.

If you are looking for a gift for friends and family this holiday season, consider buying them a copy of my new book, Building A Powerful Vision Board. It’s a great and unique gift under $20.

As always, make it a great week, and I welcome your comments!

~ Tess

Copyright 2012

Destiny Rising, LLC

Living In Possibility Opens Your Energy


Today, I am writing from a national business conference where more than 100 women have come together to share their visions, expertise and intentions for their company. There is something particularly positive and stimulating about being in a space where like-minded people come together. Each time this group comes together, the opportunity for a fresh start, to begin again and to work toward dreams and goals comes alive.

As each person arrives at this conference the energy in the room picks up just a bit more. In three days’ time, the goal is for everyone to have rekindled her passion and to be able to sustain her momentum for another year.

What’s happening in your world that is rekindling your momentum? If you can’t find a specific answer to that question, I have two recommendations for you:

1: It may be time to take a trip to Barnes & Noble,  browse the aisles and see what books about inspiration call to you. If you’re like me, a trip to the bookstore is refreshing, and I tend to select the perfect book for my life at the time. Whether you buy the book or just make a note of its title, then head home and purchase a Nook or Kindle version of it, you’ll have shifted your energy to Possibility.

2: Find out what you can do to spread hope and joy to someone who has been affected by Hurricane Sandy. Participate in a local relief effort or find a group that is providing a personal touch to and hope to storm ravaged residents on the East Coast.

Either way, you may come away with a sense of momentum and possibility. I find that it’s always best to look outside myself when I want to be inspired.

As always, make it a great week and I welcome your comments and recommendations for additional ways to Build a Powerful Vision for Possibility. Link to my Pinterest site for some ideas and inspiration.

Change and Transformation: Great Change Leads to Great Results!

I came across two very powerful phrases while at a business retreat last week: Change is doing things differently. Transformation is being differently.

The “change” statement  refers to activity or behavior and is something that can generally be outwardly measured.  The “transformation” statement refers to an internal shift and may not be visible to the naked eye, yet it is palpable – not only to the individual is being different, but to those around them.

Have you ever seen someone after weeks or months of being separated, and notice they are somehow different when next you meet?  In trying to pinpoint he change, we tend to work from the outside in. We begin by taking note of possible changes in surface elements, such as appearance. We slowly work our way inside – to the essence  or the aura, or the way the individual carries herself. While changes to our shell, our appearance are most evident, change in our attitude and demeanor are equally noticeable.

There are three key types of change:

  • Developmental Change
  • Transitional Change
  • Transformational Change

Developmental changes are those you make to improve procedures or activities that will complement your current lifestyle. Think of your exercise program. If you want to improve your upper body muscle tone, you add weight conditioning to your workout. Simple examples: If you think about diet, if you want change the percentage of your diet that is made up of an additional 25% raw foods, add a salad at two meals daily. Development changes generally cause little stress and distress.  In professional settings: Learning new skills that will improve your performance or prepare you for promotion are good examples of developmental change.

Transitional changes are those you make to replace existing approaches or activities with new ones. A replacement example: use olive oil rather than butter in cooking. Eat celery and carrots rather than potato chips. You’ll retain the enjoyment of something crunchy, but it will be a healthy change.   Instead of sitting down and eating ice cream each evening right after dinner, take a twenty-minute walk and reward yourself with a cup of tea.  You’ll be changing you diet and your lifestyle.  In professional settings: If your company has become part of another organization, learning a new software system or learning how a new supervisor wants reports and information communicated are examples of transitional change.

Transformational changes are those you make to completely reshape your life. It is this level of change in which we create sustainable momentum toward getting the life we want. When you’ve achieved transformational change, you have grown, you have stretched, and you will not be reverting to your former way of looking at or approaching life. It is at this level that people often develop the ability to take the long view on life and business, on action and consequence.

Many people arrive at the threshold of transformational change after attempts to transform their lives through changes in surroundings, friends and activities, with little significant result. They discover that a quick fix will not fundamentally change your life. They discover that  transformational change is a journey, not an activity.

Awakening to your transformational journey is refreshing. It’s like opening the windows and doors to let the fresh air circulate through your house after a long winter.

I am in the midst of some self-reflection and examination. I’ve spent the past year and a half “reinventing” my professional focus. I can tell you what I’m doing differently, but that is all information about what has changed on two levels: My business activities and my lifestyle activities (travel, workout, diet). It’s time for me to pinpoint fundamental changes in my way of being to determine whether I’ve just been on a whirlwind trip or if I am on a journey – a path toward transformational change.

If you are asking yourself similar questions, I have three books I’d like to recommend. The first two were published a number of years ago. The books are: The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz), Women Who Run with the Wolves (Clarissa Pinkola Estes) [2 of my sisters just returned from a 5-day retreat with Clarissa and simply raved about her insight and authenticity), and my own book Building A Powerful Vision Board: A Path To Achieving Your Goals and What You Want In Life [This book leads you through a process of clarification, creation and action to advance on your path to fulfilling your personal/professional goals].

I’m enjoying my journey and making plans to focus on the transformation and not just the action elements of my life in 2013.

As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week.

~ Tess

Copyright 2012, Destiny Rising, LLC.

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