A Cure For Bright, Shiny Object Syndrome



This is the time of year when bright, shiny things can steal your focus. Bright, shiny things include: Sunshine, the mercury in the thermometer rising above 40 degrees, end of season sales, daylight savings, your kids’ spring break and much, much, more.

My cure for Bright, Shiny Object Syndrome is The “DND Retreat”. DND stands for Do Not Disturb. I host my retreat right in my house (or maybe at the nearest Barnes & Noble). I let the people who are usually welcome to interrupt my productivity know that I am attending a retreat.

The DND Retreat concept is simple. Choose a topic of focus for the day and get away for 6 hours. That’s right, just 6 hours (plus drive time, if you’re going to step away from the house). The reason for 6 hours is that you can choose 8-2, 9-3 or 10-4. You can attend to  family requirements, get a haircut, or go to the market either before or after your retreat.

My most recent DND Retreat was dedicated to marketing my book, “Building A Powerful Visions Board”.  My activities included some themed readings, answering some key questions about my business and building my plan.

Whatever the focus of your retreat, make a list of questions to ask yourself. Select and answer questions as if you’ve paid $279 for the retreat. Concentrate during your 6 hours as if you’ve invested a meaningful sum of money for this opportunity to concentrate and move ahead in your  plan for the year, your writing, your online course in stock trading or your ability to create videos.

At the end of your 6-hour retreat, book the next one. If possible, make the next retreat within 3 weeks of the first. Decide the topic of the next retreat before you return to family, work and home . Once your DND Retreat is over, so is the solace. You will, however have the advantage of results from your first retreat and another date to forward your destiny.

As an added bonus, plan to share the results of your DND retreat with someone – an accountability partner. You’ll be proud of your progress as you report on the day’s events.

My next DND retreat day is just around the corner. I am looking forward to the seclusion and the creativity that go hand in hand.

Make it a great week, and as always, I welcome your comments!

~ Tess

Copyright 2013

Destiny Rising, LLC

Lifting Aching Hearts… Finding The Helpers

Aching Heart

Aching Heart

Renata Bower, whose book “Frieda B. Herself” , is a new children’s classic, posted a quote by Fred Rogers on her Facebook Page. Renata only posts really impactful photos, quotes and stories. I find the quote to be gentle, hopeful and filled with promise at a time when we are saddened by the loss of 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

I  read that this quote has “gone viral”. I’ve only seen it one time and I now share it with you. Fred Rogers’ quote is an apt description of how Hope reasserts itself into our lives following a disaster. This quote is directly from Fred Rogers Company:

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.

In the intro to  “The Mister Rogers Parenting Book”, he wrote, “.. if we can bring our children understanding, comfort, and hopefulness when they need this kind of support, then they are more likely to grow into adults who can find these resources within themselves later on.”

May you find ways to be a helper as you find and bring  HOPEfulness to your life and the lives of others.

As always, I welcome your comments and feedback.

I wish you peace today…


Copyright 2012

Destiny Rising, LLC