Name That Tune!

Play It For Me One More TIme

Back in the 80’s and 90’s, who didn’t live for mix tapes? Mix tapes were the soundtracks of our lives.  And so, how about ushering in a new era of the mix tape for your vision board?

About six months ago, I spent a day selecting music to accompany my workshop, “Building a Powerful Vision Board”.  I really liked the exercises and the process that make up the workshop. Adding music to each segment really brought it to life. There was an instant electricity and life to the workshop that I didn’t realize had been missing until the soundtrack was added.

This week, rather than work on a visual project, identify three musical pieces that either capture the essence of your spirit or that describe your approach to life.  Put them in order and play them each day for five days.

I’d love to hear what you’ve selected~ Enjoy!


Copyright 2010

Destiny Rising, LLC

Labor Day Blues

The Cooling Off Period

Hello! The title says it…. I got the Labor Day Blues. For just a few short days, I move into a “Blue” period – If you live in the upper Midwest, Labor Day truly marks the end of summer.

As an example – Where we last lived, we had a beautiful pool. Each year we wanted to hang onto summer through the month of September. Each year, on cue, there was a marked change in the weather, length of days and increased leaf accumulation in the pool just after Labor Day. By 5:00 PM every day,  there was no more sun on the pool, the nights cooled into the 60’s, and leaves started falling into the water. Within about a week of Labor Day, the water temperature dropped 6 degrees. Try as we might, we couldn’t make summer stay.  Losing summer always makes me feel Blue.

I’m almost over this mourning period. I adore autumn, and this year is no exception. I have just completed the draft of my first book. I have shared it with my coach, and now come the edits. It’s my intention to publish by November 1st. This is an exciting transition. Coupled with the workshops I’ve developed over the past 18 months, I’m ready to head into a new adventure.

I’ve promised a new set of blog posts that include multimedia vision boards. They will be coming soon. I’ll be back with new high energy infused posts very soon. My “Blue Period” doesn’t stand a chance with all of the great possibilities ahead.

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!